...源:Nature Medicine参考文献:1.Banerjee, G., Farmer, S.F., Hyare, H. et al. Iatrogenic Alzheimer’s disease in recipients of cadaveric pituitary-derived growth hormone……更多
...y bars within square-wave test gratings. Perception 10:215–230[6]Munker, H. (1970) Chromatic grids, projection to the retina, and translation theor……更多
...奢侈品电商YNAP的收购案。而阿里巴巴总裁兼董事会成员J. Michael Evans已辞去Farfetch董事会职务,11月30日正式生效。三方曾经有着紧密的利益关联。2022年8月,Farfetch宣布收购YNAP约47.5%的股权,未来历峰集团旗下品牌将使用Farfetch技...……更多
...Kobayashi Y, Nozawa R, Newman MV, Gao P, Shao M, Ramsey KM, Gupta RK, Bass J. Time-restricted feeding mitigates obesity through adipocyte thermogenesis……更多