...cedented-detail/JWST observations of the Horsehead photon-dominated region I. First results from multi-band near- and mid-infrared imaginghttps://a……更多
...n M. Alfaraidi)为共同第一作者,迈克尔·J·阿齐兹(Michael J. Aziz)教授,理查德·Y·刘(Richard Y. Liu)助理教授,罗伊·G·戈登(Roy G. Gordon)教授担任共同通讯作者。图丨相关论文(来源:Nature Energy)阿齐兹教授团队长期致……更多
...e mid-Cretaceous.\" Zootaxa 4688.4 (2019): zootaxa-4688.[3] Mellor, P. S., J. Boorman, and M. Baylis. \"Culicoides biting midges: their role as arbovirus vectors……更多
...f Trait Competitiveness\', in Stephen M. Garcia, Avishalom Tor, and Andrew J. Elliot (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Psychology of Competition……更多
...(I have no idea that will happen)。约翰·J·霍普菲尔德 (John J. Hopfield)约翰·J·霍普菲尔德 (John J. Hopfield ) 1933 年出生于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥。他于 1954 年获得斯沃斯莫尔学院学士学位,1958 年获得康奈……更多
...储官网显示,美联储现任理事会成员为:鲍威尔(Jerome H. Powell),巴尔,鲍曼(Michelle W. Bowman),库克(Lisa D. Cook),杰斐逊(Philip N. Jefferson),库格勒(Adriana D. Kugler),库格勒(Adriana D. K……更多
...在方方面面注意的。参考文献[1]Cronin, Thomas W.; Bok, Michael J. (15 September 2016). \"Photoreception and vision in the ultraviolet\". Journal of Experimental Biology……更多