XMAS-VI Registration Remains Open
第六届厦门海洋环境开放科学大会(XMAS-VI)采用线上线下结合的方式将于 2023年1月9日至12日在厦门宾馆举行。本次会议共设6个主旨报告,34个专题分会及研讨会,2个讲习班,及论坛、沙龙等活动,特设线上海报快闪报告,并设立最佳学生海报奖,详情请查会议日程:https://melmeeting.xmu.edu.cn/xmas/session.asp
大会主旨报告及部分活动将进行网络直播,专题分会及研讨会仅对注册参会人员开放。 会议注册将持续开放(不再接受投稿), 无需缴交注册费。
The Sixth Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences (XMAS-VI) will be held in a hybrid format from Jan 9 to 12, 2023 atCity Hotel Xiamen. The symposium consists of 6 Keynote Speeches, 34 Sessions and Workshops, 2 Tutorials, and Events like Town Hall and Salon. Poster Online LIghtning Talks (POLIT) are set up for all poster presenters. And outstanding student posters will be awarded the Best Student Poster Award. Details please refer to the conference program:
Keynote speeches and several side events will be livestreamed and made available for the public while sessions and workshops are limited to registered participants. Conference registration will remain open without fee payment, but no abstract will be accepted.
Please register athttps://melmeeting.xmu.edu.cn/xmas/Registration.asp
Theme of XMAS-VI
Multidisciplinary and Solution Sciences for a Sustainable and Healthy Ocean
Keynote Speakers
Ken Buesseler
Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Angela Falciatore
Research Director, Laboratory of Chloroplast Biology and Light-sensing in Microalgae UMR 7141 CNRS-Sorbonne Université & Institut de Biologie
Physico-Chimique Paris
Eric Galbraith
Professor, McGill University
Juliet Hermes
Professor, South African Environmental Observation Network & University of Cape Town
Lisa Levin
Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
Haojia Abby Ren
Associate Professor, Taiwan University
Organizers and Sponsors
State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University
Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
• Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute,
The University of Tokyo
• Basic Science Center for Marine Carbon Pumps and Biogeochemical Processes
• China SCOR
• China-ASEAN College of Marine Sciences,
Xiamen University Malaysia
• Chinese Society of Oceanography
• College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment,
University of Delaware
• College of Ocean and Earth Sciences,
Xiamen University
• College of the Environment and Ecology,
Xiamen University
• GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
• Global Ocean Oxygen Decade
• Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
• Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences,
University of Malaya
• IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific
• Ocean Negative Carbon Emissions (ONCE) Program
• Ocean Science and Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology
• School of Marine Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University
• State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution,
City University of Hong Kong
• State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics
• Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study
• Swire Institute of Marine Science,
University of Hong Kong
• Taiwan Ocean University
Scientific Advisory Committee
Chair: Minhan Dai
Eric Achterberg, Chris Bowler, Annalisa Bracco, Fei Chai, Tai-Wen Hsu, Zhengtang Guo, Nianzhi Jiao, Kenneth Mei Yee Leung, Kitack Lee, Paul Liu, Christelle Not, Lim Phaik Eem, Francois Primeau, Hiroaki Saito, Dalin Shi, Fabrice Veron, Wenxi Zhu
Local Organizing Committee
Co-Chairs: Zhimian Cao & Feili Li
Member: Xing Jian, Xin Lin, Xin Liu, Jian Ma, Yuan Shen, Weilei Wang, Weiwei You, Yue Zheng, Xudong Zhu and Jiayu Guo (Student Delegate)
Ms. Ying Huang,
Secretary of XMAS-VI
Email: xmas@xmu.edu.cn
Website: https://melmeeting.xmu.edu.cn/xmas/
— END—
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快照生成时间:2023-01-02 05:45:22