齐鲁晚报·齐鲁壹点 通讯员 孙文爽 王文慧
1月22日,市西街道在南杨大集举办“黄河大集”暨“在知爱建 市西有礼”志愿服务大集市活动,让居民在家门口赶大集、办年货、享服务,感受浓浓年味。买年货不必东奔西走,就来市西街道“黄河大集”。走进年货大集,前来置办年货的市民络绎不绝。大集上各色商品琳琅满目,应有尽有,此起彼伏的叫卖声、升腾的袅袅烟气......包罗万象,治愈人心。
Into the South Yang catch big gathering "Yellow River big gathering" New Year flavor
On January 22, the city West Street held the "Yellow River Rally" and "Courteous in the West of the City of Know love" volunteer service fair activities in Nanyang Daji, allowing residents to catch the rally at their doorstep, do New Year's goods, enjoy services, and feel the strong flavor of the New Year. Buy New Year goods do not have to go to the west, to the city west street "Yellow River". Into the New Year goods collection, came to buy New Year goods in an endless stream of citizens. Large collection of all kinds of goods dazzling, everything, one after another cries, rising curl of smoke...... All-inclusive, healing the heart.
快照生成时间:2025-01-29 05:45:02